Why gym bros should periodize their nutrition

Let’s face it –  as a lifter and fellow enthusiast of all things getting Yoked, chances are you wanna be jacked/strong and lean all at the same time. Admirable goals friend, join the Swole Club. Unfortunately our physiology doesn’t really like us doing all three at once, so it’ll make excuses and half ass any adaptations and responses to lifting.

Fortunately there’s a groovy nutrition concept that allows us to maximize training adaptations over time so we can indeed get massiver, stronger-er and more shredded.

What Does Periodizing Nutrition Even Mean?

In bro-terms it’s organizing what you eat around the type of training you do to get the best results. You can’t maximize both strength and hypertrophy at the same time very well, nor can you do either of these things whilst dieting down to single-digit body fat at the same time. The central idea of Nutritional Periodization is to match what you eat/how much you eat/specific macro ratios to the goal of your training block.

Developing Your Very Own Periodized Nutrition Plan

What happens if your “just eating right” doesn’t support the hypertrophic goals you have and training in a hard volume block doesn’t result in the desired muscle gain?What happens if “just eating right” doesn’t support the maintenance of lean muscle tissue during a deficit?

What happens if “just eating right” isn’t a sufficient amount of carbohydrates to offset perceived exertion during exercise leading you to feel like you’re the weakest dude in any gym that ever gymed? You put a limit on how much progress you’ll make. Let’s not do that…

Training and Nutrition Periodization

When training load increases, guess what else should increase? If you said “calories, carbs and my biceps” you guessed right! Periods of high volume massing just need higher total calories and higher amounts of carbohydrates.

If we don’t periodize calories and carbohydrates to energy demands of our training, then very bad, super non-awesome stuff happens like overtraining, injuries and worst of all, you can’t fill out your Gymshark stringer Vest.

Ultimately you’ve got to decide what you want to achieve and then periodize your nutrition to match the goals of your training blocks. Now, go get strong, jacked and shredded.

Choosing how to sequence your very own periodized nutrition plan is going to depend on where you’re currently at. If you’re looking to pack on some size, then maybe string a few massing cycles together – with the appropriate maintenance blocks obviously, and see how you grow. 

Ultimately you’ve got to decide what you want to achieve and then periodize your nutrition to match the goals of your training blocks. Now, go get strong, jacked and shredded.

Bringing It All Together

I think one of the biggest mistakes I see most people make with their pull-up/chin-up programming is that they simply don’t train the pattern enough. However, this approach only works well for those who can already perform 3-5 pull-ups and are looking to level up that number. If you can’t even perform one this would be a daunting prospect to say the least. That said, I think staying cognizant of total VOLUME is an often overlooked component of pull-up progress. Moreover, you also have the option of purchasing both the Ultimate Pull-Up Program & the Ultimate Push-Up Program at a heavily discounted price.

I think one of the biggest mistakes I see most people make with their pull-up/chin-up programming is that they simply don’t train the pattern enough. However, this approach only works well for those who can already perform 3-5 pull-ups and are looking to level up that number. If you can’t even perform one this would be a daunting prospect to say the least.

That said, I think staying cognizant of total VOLUME is an often overlooked component of pull-up progress. Moreover, you also have the option of purchasing both the Ultimate Pull-Up Program & the Ultimate Push-Up Program at a heavily discounted price.

31 July 2024

Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?

Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!

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2 October 2024

Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

10 October 2024

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17 October 2024

Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

17 October 2024

Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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